10 Best NFT Gifts To Surprise Your Special One

NFTs are created using blockchain technology; hence, they are permanent unless the owner burns them.  Believe it or not, surprising your friend or special one with NFT-based gifts is now a trend. Are you a business looking to host a function and gift your people some unique things? Blockchain consulting services and solutions might helpContinue reading 10 Best NFT Gifts To Surprise Your Special One

Blockchain in Agriculture 

In the field of sustainability, hybrid smart contracts are proving to be a ground-breaking method. It facilitates easier collaboration among international groups in order to promote environmentally friendly behavior. Hybrid smart contracts make use of off-chain data, processing resources, and blockchain technology. Even “regenerative agriculture” initiatives have started to use this. It prevents climate changeContinue reading “Blockchain in Agriculture “

NFTs Vs. Cryptos – The Race To The Throne

NFTs are less volatile when compared to cryptocurrencies. NFT’s uniqueness and other characteristics have attracted both creators and collectors to participate in NFT trading. NFT is used for a variety of things, including digital content, gaming collectibles, investments, domain names, land deeds, and much more.

NFT Investment Tips: 6 Warning Signs To Keep Note Of While Buying NFTs

NFT investment is quite popular these days and can yield a good return in the future. Anyways it is good to keep these red flags on your mind. If you are willing to create a feasible non-fungible token, contact the best NFT project development company.

Infosys CEO’s Views On Blockchain & Metaverse

Blockchain & Metaverse came to the spotlight (again) after Infosys CEO & MD, Mr. Salil Parekh, talked about their dynamic transformations at the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting in Davos. He mentioned that these two technologies are the two focus areas the MNC is setting foot on. In addition, he said that interest inContinue reading “Infosys CEO’s Views On Blockchain & Metaverse”

Web3 – The So-called Future Of Internet

We have lived through Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. What did they teach us? Evolution, with innovation, is possible. Web3 or Web 3.0 is the hottest talk worldwide, especially in social media and news publications. It marks the beginning of a new era where AI and blockchain play crucial roles. Web3 is a mix ofContinue reading “Web3 – The So-called Future Of Internet”

Here Is What The Best NFT Investors Do To Grow Their Money

The popularity of NFTs has reached across the country like a forest fire! There are fewer possibilities that a person is not aware of NFTs.  NFT – The Future Of The Digital World! The NFT industry is one of the most successful industries in this digital world. Nobody can predict the market volatility and investmentContinue reading “Here Is What The Best NFT Investors Do To Grow Their Money”

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